Ruptured EPL Tendon due to Gout

Title: Spontaneous rupture of extensor pollicis longus tendon with tophaceous gout infiltration
Hung JY, et al.
Publication: Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2005 May;125(4):281-4. Epub 2004 Jun 15.

Spontaneous rupture of the extensor pollicis longus (EPL) tendon has many causes, but rupture caused by gout is very rare. In this article, the authors presented a case of patients with long-standing history of gout that came in with a sudden loss of left thumb movement. It turns out that this was caused by spontaneous rupture of the EPL tendon in the thumb, which was then successfully treated by surgery.

It was then discovered that there were uric acid (urate) crystal deposits within the ruptured EPL tendon.

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