Subcision Technique for Acne Scarring

Title: Subcision for acne scarring: technique and outcomes in 40 patients.
Alam M, Omura N, Kaminer MS
Publication: Dermatol Surg. 2005 Mar;31(3):310-7; discussion 317.

To test the efficacy of a subscission surgical technique in treating rolling acne scars, the authors applied the treatment to 40 patients. Six-months later, a follow up study was conducted for each patient. The authors found that approximately 50% improvement was seen, with 90% of the patients reporting that the treatment improved their appearance.

They authors found temporary side effects of swelling, bruising, and pain – however, a persistent firm bump may result at the treatment site.

HIPE Editor Note:
Rolling acne scars are marked by a rolling or undulating feature, caused by folds in the skin’s subcutaneous tissue layer. This form of acne scar is treated by surgical incisions to break up the fibrous bands that cause the skin to fold.

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