
Meningioma is the most common form of brain tumor affecting non-glia tissues. It comprises about 15% of cancer cases.

This form of brain cancer affects mostly adult women, with peak age of 50 years. Meningioma, as its name implies, is cancer of the meninges, a membrane that covers the brain. It is usually a benign tumor that can grow to invade the skull and compress the underlying brain tissue.

Location of Meningioma

Meningioma usually affect the following locations:

  • Parasagittal area
  • Sphenoidal ridge
  • Base of the skull
  • Cerebellopontile angle
  • Spinal canal


The symptoms of meningioma include:

  • Headache
  • Seizure
  • Vomiting
  • Changes in mental activity
  • Hearing loss
  • Stiff neck
  • Uncontrolled movement or ataxia

Depending on the location of the tumor, meningioma may also have the following symptoms:

Location Symptoms
Sphenoidal ridge and optic nerve Visual change and papilledema
Prefrontal parasagittal Personality and behavioral changes
Motor cortex Changes in movement, uncoordinated movement
Anterior fossa Headache, vision loss


See also:
Brain Tumor Overview

Increased intracranial pressure (ICP)

Brain Tumor Types:

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