Dermatofibroma is a small, benign growth of
the skin.
Symptoms of Dermatofibroma
The symptoms of dermatofibroma are:
- Small, pea-sized growth
- Flesh-tone, purple, or brown in color
- Painless, or slightly painful if pinched
- Dimpling if pinched
These growths are usually formed on the lower legs, arms and
the body.
Who Gets Dermatofibroma?
This condition is common in adults. It rarely occurs in children.
Causes of Dermatofibroma
The exact cause of dermatofibroma is not known.
Dermatofibroma Treatment
This skin growth is usually harmless and painless - therefore,
removals of the growths are considered cosmetic procedures.
Dermatofibroma can be removed by:
- Surgical excision
- Freezing with liquid nitrogen
Note that these removal techniques result in scars that may be
more unappealing and noticeable than the original dermatofibroma